
Would students come?

Would students come?

I've paraphrased this conversation:
" ...Credit courses like this but with more boring names used to be more common than they are now, in fact. Many universities used to require library classes. Some do under the mantel of Information literacy. All freshman usually take one. Do you think an FGCU student would take a 1 hr. Class? Maybe they would... maybe they wouldn't ..."

The conversation started over this post "
Speaking at Internet Librarian in October" A credit bearing class? This is what I'm talkin' about. A credit bearing class. Did you know there is one on the books already in Florida? Couldn't we add this one credit to Styles & Ways making it a true 3-credit class? Yes, but only if it was done very carefully.

Instead of a bland BLT session (
I'm not joking when I say those sessions were bland ) a freshman could be highly encouraged to take this class but we would need to plan it very carefully in order to realize some kind of success. Marketing would be heavily involved. It would have to be most untraditional in its implementation, course requirements, & instruction methods.

Check out
what these students did in Cory Doctorow's class. More on Cory. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cory_Doctorow

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