
Have you edited your Wikipedia entry?

Students want a library
Originally uploaded by iblee....

Your entry is meant to be informative about the Library in general. I bet your library has awesome resources, great people working there (Hmm, imagining an entry on the actual personalities now ), and a rich history. Portray your unique history -even if it's not deep or long or ivy- the curious or casual browser may become enamored with what they learn about the library; they may learn that libraries are these fascinating places where bytes and bricks can meet. You never know when you are going to bring the library into someone's life.

I would bet money that schools and therefore other parts of a school do get looked up on Wikipedia. Since we are one of the items students consider when selecting a school maintaining presence makes sense.

"On students' must-see list during college visits were buildings housing their major, said 56.8 percent of respondents. Rounding out the top five were residence halls at 53.1 percent, the library at 48.4 percent, classrooms at 46 percent, and technology facilities at 40 percent."
http://chronicle.com/weekly /v52/i40/40a02701.htm

Above all else: avoid library-speak in your entry. Make it human-readable.

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